Shaitaani Rasmein Written Update 12th July 2024 Episode _ Netra’s Dark Plans out as Nikki Questions Malik
Nikki to save Piyush's soul while Malik plans a sacrifice. As she searches for clues in old mansion, Netra plots with dark rituals. Will Nikki find Piyush?

Episode Highlights

  • Nikki fights to protect Piyush and uncovers Malik’s dark plan.
  • Malik reveals he wants to use Piyush’s body for a sacrifice.
  • Netra plots sacrifices and dark rituals while Nikki searches for clues.

Nikki’s Concern for Piyush

The episode begins with Nikki asking Sumitra to listen to her carefully. She mentions Piyush. At that moment, Malik/Piyush arrives. Nikki tells Sumitra that Piyush is her life and love, and she won’t let anything happen to him.

Shaitani Rasmein Nikki

Malik/Piyush arrives and asks if something is going to happen to him. Nikki says she was telling her mom that she won’t let anything happen to him. Sumitra tells him to take care of Nikki and says it’s his responsibility. Malik/Piyush agrees and takes Nikki to her room. Nikki holds a knife.

Malik/Piyush’s Suspicion

He asks her what she is hiding from him and says she follows him and gets scared when she sees him. He says she still stands as if she is standing before Malik. He asks why she is moving away from him. Nikki asks if she can move away from her Piyush.

Shaitani Rasmein Piyush

Malik says no and asks if she doubts him. Nikki says no. He turns around, and she imagines cutting his throat. Malik/Piyush laughs and asks if she knows the truth, saying that the soul doesn’t die; only the body does. He says she has made his job easier.

He wanted to offer Piyush’s body as a sacrifice. She thinks she can’t do that. The imagination ends. Malik/Piyush tells Nikki that he loves her very much and will marry her once everything is fine. He leaves.

Nikki’s Desperate Search

Blood drips from Nikki’s hand, and she apologizes to Piyush for not revealing her identity. She asks if he is there. She says she will find him no matter what. Piyush calls out to Nikki and says he will wait for her arrival, knowing that she will come.

His photo frame falls down. Nikki picks up the photo frame and thinks that when a sacrifice is made, a person’s soul returns to their body, and she thinks Malik must have hidden Piyush somewhere.

Netra’s Ritual Plans

In Hell, someone tells Piyush that no one will come to get him. Netra informs Vikram, Sumitra, and Pratik that Malik is coming today. Sumitra says they are very happy. Pratik asks if she is performing this tantric ritual to offer a sacrifice.

Netra says yes. Piyush tells that he knows Nikki will come and will find a clue in the old mansion. Nikki feels she isn’t understanding his clue. She thinks she will find something in the old mansion.

Vikram’s Sacrifice

Netra says she will offer Vikram as a sacrifice. Vikram says no. She asks Sumitra if she would die for her husband. Vikram says no. Netra then says that Pratik will die for his parents. She calls Malik’s slave. The slave arrives. Netra asks Vikram to put a garland around his neck.

The slave says Malik… betrayal. He attacks Vikram. Vikram is scared. Netra tells the slave to come with her. Sumitra asks Bhawani to call Suguna for Vikram’s treatment. Pratik tells Sumitra to think about Netra’s treatment. Vikram asks him not to say anything against Netra.

Malik’s Plan Revealed

Netra laughs and tells the slave that Malik will cut off Piyush’s head today, and everyone will think that Piyush is killing himself. She says Malik will leave Piyush’s body and enter his new body. She asks the slave to keep an eye on the old mansion and says she will stay with Malik.

Nikki watches them on her mobile and says Malik has made a new body for himself and will enter it after offering Piyush’s body today. She thinks about going to the old mansion to search for Piyush’s soul and return quickly.


Nikki sees Baldevi in the old mansion and asks her to show the way to Hell. Baldevi tells her to meet someone who can take her there. Nikki says she will find such a person and go there.

InShort – Shaitani Rasmein August 1, 2024 Episode

Nikki learns Malik plans to sacrifice Piyush’s body. She vows to protect Piyush and searches for clues in the old mansion. Netra plans dark rituals and sacrifices, while Malik prepares to transfer his soul into a new body. Nikki fights to save Piyush’s soul and stop Malik’s evil scheme.

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