Shaitaani Rasmein Written Update 12th July 2024 Episode _ Netra’s Dark Plans out as Nikki Questions Malik
Malik returns with vengeance, ready to punish Gahlots. As he reveals his plans & demands loyalty, a deadly battle looms. Who will survive Malik’s wrath

Episode Highlights

  • Malik makes a dramatic return, claiming his kingdom and revealing his new powers.

  • Tensions rise as Malik demands loyalty and threatens to kill one of the Gahlots.

  • A fierce battle is coming between Malik and Nikki, with uncertain outcomes.

Episode Begins with Malik’s Disappearance

The episode begins with Nikki seeing Malik disappear. Sumitra says Malik isn’t here; there’s no one here but us. She asks if Malik came or if we are imagining things. Vikram says he saw Malik and his footsteps; he was walking past us.

Nikki says it was Malik; he got a new body. Everyone is shocked. Nikki asks why he was silent. Sumitra wonders if it’s the calm before the storm. Vikram says no, it’s the silence before the world’s end.

Malik Takes Control

Netra welcomes Malik. Malik asks her to welcome him back and says he has come to rule his kingdom. He says it’s a new day, a new world, and a new Malik. He goes into the old mansion, which lights up with candles. Netra says it’s amazing. Malik sits on his throne and restores the place with his powers.

Baldevi and the Gods Call Bhavi Devi

Baldevi and other gods call Bhavi Devi. Bhavi Devi asks why they called her. Baldevi, along with the gods and goddesses, tells her about the eternal enemy and asks her to guide them.

Malik’s Plan and Swarnaprabha Nikki

Shaitani Rasmein Nikki

Netra says wow, Malik, it’s amazing. Malik says the real game is about to begin; the underworld is below and the sky is above. He says both the great devil and god are greedy to rule this world. He says there will be no devil or god, only Malik will rule.

Netra says she’s sure it will happen. Malik says he has planned everything from start to finish and that Swarnaprabha Nikki’s arrival was his wish, and she was brought from Bhurangarh by him. She destroyed his body. He says Malik and Swarnaprabha Nikki will face each other. He tells her to go and bring those bugs here.

Vikram and the Apologies

Vikram cries and says he wants to apologize to Malik. Sumitra says Malik’s eyes showed death. Aarohi says he won’t spare anyone. Netra arrives, laughing, and says there’s no place to run because the tiger of the jungle is back, and it has brought all the jackals into its den. Everyone walks inside the old mansion, now glowing like a palace.

Vikram says Malik’s footsteps lit up the place. Netra tells them not to look badly at the palace and asks if they can’t see the death sitting on the throne. She asks them to come. Malik tells them to stand straight and says when he came to Bhurangarh thousands of years ago, he met a poor hungry man and asks if they know who he was.

Vikram says he was their ancestor. Malik says he made them from poor to kings. Sumitra apologizes. Malik says he gave them great food, a lavish life, and silk clothes, but they betrayed him. Nikki says she is responsible.

Malik yells at her and tells her not to say anything until he asks. He says what he asked for in return was loyalty and a small promise that the new brides would perform his devilish rituals, and asks if that was too much. Vikram holds his feet. Malik kicks him away.

Future Battle and Preparation

The gods ask Bhavi Devi what will happen in the future. Devi says there will be a big battle between Nikki and Malik. Baldevi asks if Nikki will win if she does. Devi says Nikki could win if she prepares for the battle. Baldevi asks if they can’t help Nikki. The future goddess tells them to prepare a divine team to help Nikki at the right time.

Malik’s Judgment

Sumitra apologizes to Malik. Malik says he hasn’t forgotten how they betrayed their generous Malik. Sumitra, Vikram, and Pratik apologize. Malik says he won’t forget and will never forgive. He says he is the judge, jury, and justice, and he rejects their apology, sentencing one of them to die today.

Shaitani Rasmein Piyush

He smiles. Sumitra says no Malik and cries. She says they will do whatever he says, but not this. Malik says he called his servants, not his servants’ servants, and tells them to leave. Bhavani, Suguna, and Rachna leave.


Sumitra, Vikram, Pratik, and Aarohi stand. Malik says he will now swing the sword, and whoever it stops on will die. Nikki is shocked.

InShort – Shaitani Rasmein Written Updat August 9, 2024 Episode : Malik to Punish the Gahlots

Malik returns with a new body and claims his old mansion, now a glowing palace. He demands loyalty from the Gahlots and threatens to kill one of them. A big battle is brewing between Malik and Nikki. As tensions rise, Malik’s powerful return brings fear and uncertainty for everyone involved.

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