Mukesh Khanna Slam Ekta Kapoor _ Mahabharat Controversy
Mukesh Khanna criticizes Ekta Kapoor’s modern Mahabharat, claiming it disrespects key characters. He’s upset about Draupadi’s tattoo & Pandavas’ portrayal.

Episode Highlights

  • Mukesh Khanna blasts Ekta Kapoor’s new Mahabharat for changes.

  • He’s upset about Draupadi’s tattoo, calling it disrespectful.

  • Khanna says the Pandavas look more like fashion models, not heroes.

Mukesh Khanna, famous for playing Bhishma Pitamah in the 1988 TV adaptation of Mahabharat, has openly criticized Ekta Kapoor’s modern version of the epic. Khanna’s disagreement stems from his belief that the depiction of key characters has taken undue creative liberties, which he feels compromise the sanctity of the original story.

Khanna’s Main Concern: Portrayal of Draupadi

Khanna’s main concern is the portrayal of Draupadi, a central character in Mahabharat. He strongly objects to the decision to give Draupadi a tattoo, seeing it as an unnecessary and disrespectful change. According to Khanna, this modern addition weakens Draupadi’s traditional and sacred representation as a symbol of dignity and virtue in the epic.

Additional Criticism: Depiction of the Pandavas


In addition to criticizing Draupadi’s portrayal, Khanna has also expressed concerns about the depiction of the Pandavas. He argues that Kapoor’s version portrays the Pandavas more like fashion models than the traditionally revered heroes they are known to be. Khanna believes this superficial portrayal diminishes the true essence and heritage of the Pandavas, who are historically seen as embodiments of righteousness and duty.

Tension Between Modern Adaptations and Traditional Interpretations

Ekta Kapoor’s adaptation of Mahabharat is known for its modern and innovative approach, aiming to attract contemporary audiences. However, Khanna’s criticism highlights the tension between maintaining traditional interpretations and exploring creative reinventions of classic epics. His comments bring up a broader debate about balancing creative freedom with preserving cultural and historical integrity.

Broader Questions on Adapting Ancient Texts for Modern Audiences

This controversy raises important questions about adapting ancient texts for modern audiences. While contemporary versions can revive these stories and introduce them to new generations, they also risk alienating those with traditional views. Mukesh Khanna’s critique serves as a reminder of the different perspectives on how such iconic narratives should be handled.

Looking Ahead: The Impact of the Controversy

As the debate continues, all eyes will be on Ekta Kapoor to see how she responds to Khanna’s concerns. The outcome of this controversy could have a lasting impact on how classic epics are viewed and received in the future.

InShort – Mukesh Khanna Slams Ekta Kapoor : Bollywood’s Mahabharat Controversy

Mukesh Khanna, known for his role as Bhishma in the 1988 Mahabharat, criticizes Ekta Kapoor’s modern version. He objects to Draupadi having a tattoo and believes the Pandavas are portrayed like fashion models rather than heroic figures. Khanna feels these changes disrespect the epic’s traditional values and weaken its original portrayal of dignity and virtue.

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