Doree Written Update, The heartbreaking conflict that results from Rukmini's tried arrest leads to heartfelt goodbyes and shocking discoveries.

Highlights :-

Bhairavi’s Attempt at Arrest: In spite of Rukmini’s opposition and threats, Bhairavi faces her with evidence in an attempt to place her under arrest.

Doree’s Criticism: Using both social and divine justice, Doree angrily rejects Rukmini for her crimes against girls.

Rukmini’s Desperate Standoff: Rukmini takes Bhairavi hostage and increases the argument, leading to in a heated standoff with the police.

Intervention by Ganga Prasad: Rukmini is tragically killed during a struggle that results from Ganga Prasad’s intervention in the standoff.

Bhairavi Declares Rukmini Under Arrest

Rukmini is informed by Bhairavi that she has evidence against her and that she recorded her confession on camera on her phone. Rukmini is placed under arrest, she says. Rukmini, however, argues that she cannot be arrested and tells Doree that she will return and that she will not be left alone.

Doree Takes on Rukmini


Rukmini is informed by Doree that she will face penalties for her actions, as she killed numerous girls and stolen their happiness and rights. Doree declares that the Rukmini who views girls as a burden is the real burden and prays that no other Rukmini is born to harm girls. She goes on to say that Rukmini should avoid girls and that there is no forgiveness from God for someone like her.

Rukmini’s Desperate Act

doree Rukmini grabs

Just as Bhairavi is about to put handcuffs on Rukmini, Rukmini grabs the gun and threatens to kidnap a girl. Doree asks the constables to keep Rukmini from leaving as Bhairavi gives the order for them to catch her. Anand is later happy to see the jewels but disappointed to hear they are fake.

Ganga Prasad’s Intervention

Rukmini believes she has made it out, but she doesn’t feel satisfied until Ganga Prasad encounters her. Ganga Prasad says that God has sent him back to kill her, while she charges him of constantly placing barriers in her path.

When Rukmini points a gun at him, Ganga Prasad maintains that he is not allowed to kill girls. He tells her that numerous girls like Doree will be born to stop him and that he is not a god.

doree ganga-2

Rukmini is knocked down during the struggle, and Ganga Prasad picks up the gun. When Bhairavi arrives, she observes Rukmini’s wounds, feels her pulse, and determines that she has passed away.

Ganga Prasad is reassured by Bhairavi that he was not at fault and that it was self-defense. He says that evil is finished as Doree gives him a hug.

Closure and Last Rites

Sudha says that Komal is having trouble crying and that her tears have dried up. Rukmini’s selfishness and how it contributed to her death are considered by Kailash Devi, who says that Rukmini has written her own destiny. As Ganga Prasad handles Rukmini’s final rites, they place flowers near her picture.

Yash is informed by Ganga Prasad that it was a mistake and he had no intention of killing her. Yash reacts that Rukmini deserved it since she killed numerous girls and had no mercy, suggesting that Sudha’s child would still be alive if Rukmini had shown any sort of mercy. Yash and Raj refuse to carry out the final rites as directed by the priest.

doree Yash

When Doree shows up, she doesn’t go even though she’s been told to, saying that Rukmini has to be burned because everyone deserves it. She tells them not to be angry with Rukmini’s dead body because she believes that God will punish her for what she did. Ganga Prasad commends Doree’s kind nature as she conducts the final ceremonies.

Vansh and Anand’s conflict

Neelu is informed by Anand that he has lost everything. Neelu asks him not to go back to Mansi and to stay with her. When asked about Vansh, Anand replies that he attempted to jump because he could not come to terms with the fact he was not the family heir.

As they are trying to comfort Vansh, Doree enters the room, calls him “Bhaiya,” and declares her desire to have him become her elder brother. Vansh gives Doree a hug. Mansi addresses them and gives them hugs.


Mansi asks Panditji about the issue. Panditji explains that Mansi and Ganga Prasad must get married in order to save Doree, as her kundali is filled with many problems.

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