Sweetie Mai kidnaps Veer in a shocking twist! As Veer struggles in captivity, his...
Ranvijay's emotional apology brings Vaiju back from brink. Watch intense hospital drama unfold as...
In latest episode, Deepika races to Janhvi's tilak ceremony with obstacles. Shocking revelations, love...
Aditya stands up for Jhank, revealing the truth about her sabotaged dress. Emotions run...
Nakul Mehta dubs for Hrithik Roshan in the English version of Fighter. Fans &...
Anupama arrives at Barkha & Ankush's house, uncovering surprising truths. Amidst drama & heartfelt...
Jalandhar challenges Shiv to take Kailash from him. As Jalandhar attacks, Kailash transforms into...
Koel pressures Abhi into marrying Dhwani, causing chaos & drama. Family tensions rise as...
Nikki seeks Pindari Baba’s help to rescue Piyush’s soul from hell. As Malik’s dark...
Vidya request with Manish for a second chance for Rohit and Ruhi. Armaan &...