Malik makes a surprising decision as Nikki faces her fate. The latest episode reveals...
Megha faints on stage during her engagement ceremony. Meanwhile, Manoj’s mysterious behavior and a...
Bulbul’s clever halwa trick reveals huge secret about Veer. As she uncovers clues, tensions...
In latest episode of "Mati Se Bandhi Dor," Vaiju secretly keeps a fast for...
Anupama secures the canteen contract after impressing the principal with her home-cooked food, but...
Akash & Riya's love sparks drama talks of Akash's marriage heat up. With family...
Bhima refuses to leave school until he’s admitted, sparking a tense standoff. As emotions...
Drama unfolds at Sonam's wedding as a fake groom gets arrested! Megha and Arjun...
Deeya discovers real Josna, as KaalKartika's true intentions are revealed. Raghu pleads for his...
Malik brutally kills Prateek, leaving everyone in tears. Arohi is devastated, while Nikki’s spirit...