Megha's mehndi ceremony faces drama as family tensions rise. Kripal demands money, Surinder &...
Megha Barsege
Megha faints on stage during her engagement ceremony. Meanwhile, Manoj’s mysterious behavior and a...
Drama unfolds at Sonam's wedding as a fake groom gets arrested! Megha and Arjun...
Megha saves Sonam from a suicide attempt in a dramatic turn of events. Watch...
Manoj stands by Megha's family with wedding tensions. Secrets unfold as episode reveals dramatic...
Ranjita's worry, Megha's surprise visit to Manoj, and an unexpected twist with Arjun lead...
Find out what happens in the latest episode of 'Megha Barsege' as Surinder’s secrets...
Manoj impress Surinder with a bold move while Megha faces unexpected surprises. Find out...
Megha faces family drama & heartbreak as Manoj arrives with unexpected news. From emotional...