Mera Balam Thanedaar Written Update 26th June 2024 Episode – Devender Blackmails Bulbul
Mera Balam Thanedaar Written Update, Renu wants Sachin and Sayali to stay away when Akash's potential bride's family visits, fearing they'll cause problems.

Episode Highlights

  • Renu Taunts Sachin and Sayali: Renu criticizes Sachin and Sayali, telling them to stay away when the girl’s family visits for Akash’s marriage talks.

  • Sachin Defends Sayali: Sachin argues with Renu and supports Sayali, refusing to let her be treated unfairly.

  • Rakhi Scene: Sayali ties a rakhi to Dilip, and there’s a disagreement about Juhi tying a rakhi to Akash.

The episode begins with Bulbul asking Vardhan to explain to Masa that she needs to go save her Inspector Sa. She says she can’t see him trapped by that woman. Vardhan protests, but Sulochana returns and says that Veer is not just her husband but a soldier of the country. She says that today, as a soldier, he is going to defend the country, so she can’t let her daughter leave without a proper farewell.

She performs aarti and tilak for Bulbul, who accepts her blessings. Vardhan says their phones will be on 24/7 and tells her to call if there’s any trouble. Bulbul comments that Sweetie Mai will face difficulties now.

Sweetie Mai Tricks People

Sweetie Mai tricks people with her sweet talk. Bulbul arrives there. Sweetie Mai thinks about when she can get rid of her. Bulbul asks Sweetie Mai to shelter her, explaining she can’t live without her husband. She requests to stay there and promises to do all the work. She mentions it’s Sawan, and couples go outside, and she just wants to stay near him. Sweetie Mai agrees.

Bulbul dances. Sweetie Mai thinks Bulbul is very foolish. If she stays there, the ACP will be under her control, and she can threaten him using his weakness. Bulbul believes she is not his weakness but the strength that brought her husband back from death.

Bulbul Searches for Veer

Later, Bulbul tells Vardhan she has searched everywhere but hasn’t found Veer yet. Vardhan tells her to take care and says they are worried about her. Bulbul assures him she is fine and tells him not to worry. A fake sadhu arrives and asks for two plates of food. He also asks for extra kheer in another bowl. Bulbul thinks about sending a message to Veer and tells him to cover the plates with paper to avoid anything falling on them.

Mera Balam Thanedaar Bulbul

He leaves, and Bulbul follows him. Sweetie Mai stops her and asks what she’s doing there. Bulbul says she was thinking of meeting her because she misses her mother. Sweetie Mai accuses her of lying and says she was searching for Veer, mentioning they can’t meet often.

The Fake Sadhu and the Message

The fake sadhu brings food to Veer and says feeding the police is fun, as if they were prisoners. Veer lifts the paper from the plate and sees Bulbul’s message, surrounded by red, asking where he is. He wonders how to reply to Bulbul. The fake sadhu returns to Bulbul and says the kheer was good. Bulbul checks the plates and finds no reply from Veer. She wonders if the paper reached him.

Sweetie Mai Plans the Blast

Sweetie Mai plans the 15 August blast with the fake aarti and others, saying many will die in the blast. Bulbul prays to God to take her to her Inspector Sa. Veer burns a newspaper, and smoke appears. He remembers asking the fake sadhu for a cigarette after seeing him smoking. The fake sadhu gives him a cigarette and says he will tie him up after returning, and he’ll go wherever he’s told.

Veer burns the newspaper, cartoon, and blanket there. Sweetie Mai wonders where the burning smell is coming from. The fire alarm rings. The fake aarti says smoke is coming from the trunk. The fake sadhu opens the trunk and finds smoke. Sweetie Mai tells them to go downstairs to check. Bulbul arrives and sees the trunk. Sweetie Mai signals the fake sadhus to close it. She peeks through the window, sees the fake sadhus entering the trunk, and realizes it’s a way to reach Veer, who is trapped there.

She wonders if the Inspector Sa created the smoke to leave a clue. Sweetie Mai and the fake sadhus approach Veer. She asks how the fire started. The fake sadhu says everything is under control. Sweetie Mai slaps him and says they need the ACP alive for their mission and tells him to give him water. The fake sadhu agrees.

Bulbul Finds Veer

Mera Balam Thanedaar Veer

Later, Sweetie Mai announces the sermon is over and tells people to go home. Bulbul thanks Mahadev for saving their ashram from a major accident and requests a special aarti for Mahadev. Sweetie Mai says she can do this to thank Mahadev for saving her devotees. She starts the aarti. Bulbul thinks she needs to go there before Sweetie Mai finishes the aarti. She leaves and turns off the lights. She plans to quickly go to Sweetie Mai’s room. She arrives there and searches the trunk to find Veer. She calls him Inspector Sa. Veer is surprised and emotional to see her there.

InShort – Mera Balam Thanedaar Written update 15 August 2024 Episode Update: Bulbul Reaches Veer

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